Here's our list of the most unfortunately dressed reality TV stars to date:

The "Flavor of Love" veteran, who went on to star in her own VH1 show, "I Love New York," is famous for wearing outfits that look more like stretched-out rubber bands than actual clothes. Never one to concern herself with modesty, she likes her dresses booty-short and astoundingly low-cut. We're permanently cringing.
Jon Gosselin
The former "Jon & Kate Plus Eight" star doesn't just wear sparkly Christian Audigier T-shirts -- the glitz-master has been in talks to co-design a children's collection with the designer. To which we inquire: When's the last time anyone's seen that guy with kids?

Short-shorts and high cha-cha heels, baby-doll sundresses that barely contain her faux lady lumps and, well, American-flag bikinis -- Heidi Montag from "The Hills" relentlessly lowers the fashion bar with her pole dancer style. She even debuted a now-defunct clothing line, aptly dubbed Heidiwood, that was full of hot pants and graphic tees. Again, super classy.
Kim Zolciak
This "Real Housewife of Atlanta" is regularly clad in too-tight minidresses, frocks with plunging necklines and tops with a disturbing amount of ruffles. She recently launched a music career with the song "Tardy for the Party" that saw her gyrating on stage in what amounted to a black bodysuit and black leather gloves boasting huge, drooping pink ribbons. Mercy.
credit - Emili Vesilind @ http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/alltherage